Blog purpose: To help artists be artists with tips on art techniques, setting up your own website, putting on art shows, etc. as well as my own trials and tribulations with being an artist.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Questioning how to make this work

I started this art blog with one purpose in mind: to help other artists make it on their own, without having to wait to "be discovered" or some such thing.

I've struggled with everything, including putting on art shows, getting a website, getting business cards, getting my name out there, getting prints made of my art, etc. I've asked other artists for help, but rarely gotten any good suggestions. I don't know if they just had more start up money than I did, or if they had someone else helping them along the way.

I cannot call myself a successful artist yet, so maybe people don't consider the information I'm passing along useful, since I haven't made it yet. But I will tell you this: I have been getting more and more orders for my art every month, without having to work as hard for it as I originally did. So I must be doing something right. I just wish I could accomplish what I want faster.

So far not many people are reading my blog, which I attribute to either me not promoting it well enough, or the information in it not being interesting enough. I would love some feedback on this, if you would please. I am also always available to answer any questions, if you wish. Thank you for taking the time to read this.


  1. More pictures! I'd love to see images with each post! Like the one about your art show should definitely have pictures of the art show!

  2. That is a very brilliant idea! I will do that. Thanks :)
